Now families may enjoy learning about fine art. Fine Art Pages Collection 1 provides an easy and inexpensive way to introduce your children to amazing artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, and Claude-Oscar Monet. With this collection you will receive a printable collection of 25 famous paintings. All you would need to do is print out the fine art pages onto regular paper or card stock. Then stick the art pages anywhere in your house. For example, the children's bathroom, the front door, their bedrooms, etc. Once the kids are walking around the house, they will notice the art pages. What an opportune moment to discuss who the artist was, the name of the piece, materials used, etc. While having lunch at the table or even taking a shower. You might ask the kids questions about the piece of art. Art becomes a "part of life" experience. You might decide to go over one art piece a week or go over more if your child is able old enough to retain the information so quickly. How ever you decide to do this, it is totally up to you. "Because however you do it, using these Fine Art Pages is going to introduce your children to art like never before. They are going to grow up knowing the names of some famous works on art and know which artist created them."
We really enjoyed learning about the famous artists. I taped the art pages all over the house and whenever my oldest and I would walk by one of the art pages, I would ask her questions about it. She would answer them and we would continue on our way. I loved how easy the art lessons were. They did not require any planning, research, or time.We loved this program and we would recommend it.
$14.95 For Complete Set
Price subject to change without notice.
I have been given this product free of charge for review purposes.
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