Saturday, September 21, 2013

Are We in America????????

Common Core

Please help me understand something. Do we (Americans) live in a country were we have the freedom to voice our opinions and concerns (respectfully) without any repercussions? The answer would be yes...right? Well, apparently for those that disagree with Common Core, we are not allowed to express our concerns. A distressed  father by the name of Robert Small expresses his concerns in a public forum about Common Core. He is pushed by an officer, pulled out of the meeting, and arrested. Mr. Small was charged with 2nd degree assault of a police office. Please view this video and help me to see when Mr. Small placed his hands on the officer. Please visit this link Baltimore Sun News to see the entire article and the video. 


  1. very, very concerning. The whole CC is just creepy.

    1. I know. Would you do me a favor and share this? I really want to inform people of what we are going to experience if we do not stand up and remember that we are Americans and live in a free country. I'm Cuban but was born here. Both of my parents were born in Cuba. This whole CC thing really is really freaking me out.

  2. I know. Would you do me a favor and share this? I really want to inform people of what we are going to experience if we do not stand up and remember that we are Americans and live in a free country. I'm Cuban but was born here. Both of my parents were born in Cuba. This whole CC thing is really freaking me out.

  3. I saw that and am disturbed by this as well. Good for you for blogging about it! I will soon.

  4. I shared it on our local FB page and I'll put it on my blog FB page. Yep- crazy socialism we've got going on here....

  5. Unbelievable! They didn't answer his question and removed him as quick as they possibly could. I never saw the parent get aggressive or place his hand on the officer. I did, however, see the security officer pushing him and getting up in his face which is not very professional or appropriate in my opinion. Of course, we don't know what happened after security pushed him out the door. The parents were requesting that he stay and asking that he be able to ask his questions. CRAZYness! Thank you for sharing.
